Friday, October 30, 2009

Jack- O- Lantern

It has been a family tradition to carve pumpkins for Steve and I. Even before we had the kids we used to carve pumpkins. The excitement starts at the pumpkin patch when you are looking for the BEST pumpkin. I used to be pretty anal about finding the perfect pumpkin, but have come to realize that we are just going to carve it and then in a couple days it will be in the trash so who cares if it has some dings.

So....last night we invited Mary over and carved our pumpkins. We had 2 and Trevor picked his design. We cheat and have pumpkin carving stencils. Trevor's was a moderate werewolf. Steve usually carves the pumpkin. Well he does Trevor's. I carve my own. Anyways...Trevor got right to cutting the top off and cleaning out the guts. Our pumpkins were small this year so it didnt take long at all. I decided to just draw on my pumpkin. I am not an artist by any means, but I made an oogglyy googgly face. Mine came out nice and then across the table I hear Steve say "oh crap". He messed up the werewolf. You can imagine Trevor's disappointment. So I tried to make it better by freehanding one on the pumpkin. It looked great, but then I couldnt figure out how to carve it out. Needless to say Steve just drew a face on it and carved it out. I think T was really disappointed, but he was good about the whole thing. Before we were even done he was watching some Michael Jackson movie that is a whole other blog in its self. Emelyn was good. We started the carving past her bed time, but she was good. We even let her put her hand in the pumpkin. She loved it! Every once in a while she would sneak a pumpkin seed in her mouth. All in all it was a great pumpkin carving night.

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