Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Scrapcation- The definition of scrapcation is simple. It is a 3 day hiatus for women to come together, scrapbook, listen to music, bond talk and relax. See momcation for more details.

HA! HA! I look forward to getting together every year with my good friends for some scrapbooking. This isnt just any get together. It is 3 whole days to get caught up on all the scrapbooking I am behind on. And believe me.....3 days isnt even barely enough. My friend April opens up her home and heart to about 8 ladies. We all stay the night, bring our favorite dessert and dish for a fancy meal on Friday night. We also have fun in a secret santa and white elephant gift exchange. I have been planning for this event for close to 3 months. I even told Steve and Mary so I would have sitters. The last 2 retreats I have not been able to go and stay the whole time. The first year my sitter didnt pan out and last year, well last year I was 4days away from popping out little Emelyn and was having some real uncomfortable pains down in the nether regions. So I went for as long as I could stand which was a couple hours. So this year come hell or high water I am going. Steve has switched his days around so he will be home with the kids Thursday and Friday...bahahahaha and Mary was kind enough to pitch in on Saturday. With as frazzled as I have been the last couple of months, I think everyone knows that it is either a scrapcation or a mental hospital. Sad, but true. Try being a prefectionist with anxiety issues and having a baby and some other aggrivating issues come along. You may fall apart slightly too. Needless to say I need this and am So SUPER DUPER excited!!!!

To top it off. I got to thinking and I have not had a Momcation-(defintion is time away from your children to just recoup alone. No hubby, no pets, no stress) and it has been close to 6 years. Now when I say time alone, it doesnt mean to party with my friends or go out and act stupid. In fact the last time that I did go away it was with April to the beach and we went to a scrapbooking reteat. Oh wait.....I have to take that back. Four years ago I went to Dallas to a BeautiControl Convention. But I came home completely wipped out and tired.

I like to think that I am a fabulous mother. I take care of our home even if I do get behind on laundry. Other than that though I try hard to give 110% to my husband and children. Dont I deserve this time to refuel, recharge and come back refreshed? I think so. I am happy that Steve agrees and is supporting me in my decision to take a scrapcation. So tootles for now.........dont be jealous you dont get a scrapcation too. ;)

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