Saturday, September 25, 2010

November 2002

November 1: Well only 8 more days and we will be having a baby. I am getting anxious and somewhat scared. I know everything will be fine, but its scary not knowing what to expect or whats going to happen.

November 4: Today Dr. R sent me to the hospital to be evaluated since I was having some pretty bad swelling. I was for sure that they would go ahead with the induction, but Dr. R wants to be positive that the baby is as close to full term as possible. He does want me to be on bedrest till Thursday.

November 7: The induction is today at 6am. I have all of these emotions that I just cant explain. From anxious to excited. I have waited so long for this.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

October 2002

October 1: Lastnight we started Lamaze. I hope it helps Steve to get a little more into the delivery. He is a bit squimish. I dont blame him. My body is going to be doing all the work. I am a little scared myself, but this baby has to come out one way or another!

October 4: Today was my sono. Trevor weighed 5 pounds. He is a bug boy. His abdomen measurements put me at 34 weeks and 5 days, 2 weeks ahead. Joseph(the sono tech) said we will have to watch him to make sure he doesnt get too big too fast which is common for gest diabetes babies. I have a dr appt on Mon. so we will know more then. Trevor has had the hiccups every morning this week. Even Steve felt them.

October 11: Well this week was pretty eventful. MOnday at my drs appt he decided to put me on insulin so Thursday I started giving myself the insulin shots.  I guess I am pretty good at it. Its amazing what you can out your mind to doing for the sake of your child. I never thought I could give myself shots. I feel like this has made me a stronger person. I just want Trevor to be healthy. Thats my goal. A strong healthy baby boy.

October 25: We only have 2 more weeks left since Dr. R isnt letting me go past 38 weeks. I hope Trevor doesnt get much bigger. It feels like my rib cage is sitting on his little bottom.

September 2002

September: I didnt journal a lot this month. I had a lot going on. This was when I found out that I was a gestational diabetic. I think that my mind was really occupied with the worry of that.

September 19: I think Trevor is ready to come out. I have had contractions everyday this week.

September 20: We went to Pointe Orlando to see a movie and I was having some real bad contractions. I could barely walk to the car after the movie. They last for about 3 hours and then just stopped. If these contractions are only practice, I cant imagine what the real ones will feel like.

August 2002

August 13: Wow! The third trimester! I cant believe it. Where has time gone. This weekend was spent in Lousiana. It was time to take my brother and sister back to my parents from staying the summer with us. We celebrated my mom and I's bdays. To think the next time I see my family Trevor will be here. My mom brought me Trevor's baby book and I absolutely love it and cant wait to fill it all out. He is so active! Especially at night! Sometimes he wakes me up in the middle of the night. I love to feel him move. I know he is growing strong. On the 11th I could see my stomach moving as he moved. That was weird. Like I had an alien in there. I try to involve Steve as much as I can. I am sure this is weird for him. I hope he is excited. I know he wants Trevor to be here already. Its hard for Steve to grow a bond with Trevor while he is in my belly. Steve is going to be a great father. I just know it.

 August 23: 7 months today! Time has flown. In 3 months from today we will be meeting our little boy. I am getting so anxious. I want to set up his nursery and get everything ready for his arrival. I also cant wait for my baby showers from work and then my shower April is throwing. So many things are happening.

August 30: Its amazing the love that I am beginning to feel for Trevor. I guess I have finally realized that a baby will be entering our lives soon. I cant wait to be a mother. I cant imagine the love I will feel for him when I get to hold him for the first time in my arms.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

June 2002

June: Figuring out what to name the baby has been so hard to agree on. We already had a girl name chosen, but not a boy. My mom called today and said that she had an idea for a name. She said Trevor. I liked it and mentioned it to Steve and he liked it a lot too. So Trevor Ray will be our little bundle of Joys name! I hope he looks like a Trevor.

June 26: The baby is starting to move a lot! I cant wait till Steve can feel him move too. I am getting very excited! I want to see Trevor. I want to smell his soft baby skin. Babies always smell so good. I hope he is cute like Steve was when he was born. I guess I am really starting to show now. Aunt Stef came over tonight and she couldnt believe it! Only one more week till we see mom and dad. I cant wait.

May 2002

May 3: I am so excited! Today we are leaving to meet my family in Mississippi cause Dad is buying Steve's Yamaha. I cant wait to see them. We are taking the sono tape and pictures. Moms bringing me some baby stuff she bought. We are going to have so much fun! I also have a doctors appt this morning. Its my 4 week ck up. I cant wait! I had my drs appt and they were unable to get the babies heartbeat on the monitor so they did a sono. The baby was doing somersaults. They said that the baby is more than likely a boy, but we will have to wait and see in July at my 20 week sono. I think I felt the baby move this weekend, but I am not sure.

May 31: Its A BOY!!! We had a sonogram yesterday and sure enough its a boy in there. I am excited! I dont think I really cared what it was just as long as it didnt have 2 heads! He is so precious. He actually looks like a baby now. Thru the whole sono he had his hands in his mouth. He has some long legs too. I cant wait to meet this precious wonder growing inside me.

Cravings: Strawberry Banana Smoothies, Mexican Food, popscicles, candy spree, lemons

April 2002

April 22: I had my sono today and I am 9.2 weeks with a due date of Nov. 23rd. We heard the heartbeat.  It was 168 beats per minute. The baby was moving inside my belly. Its little legs were moving. This is so amazing! I cant believe the baby is so small. I cant even feel it moving. It just amazes me. There is actually a growing baby inside me! I am so happy. :)

Cravings: Snowcones from the ice cream truck, fruit roll ups, olives, lemon ices, mexican food

Pregnancy Journal

I have always been one to keep journals and document things that happen so one day my children can look back on them when I am gone and have a small piece of me. I think that it is so important for them to know how loved they were from the start. I hope that thru my journals and the scrapbooks that I have made for them they will never question the love that I have for them.

One of my best friends, April bought me a pregnancy journal. It was a book that went day by day thru the pregnancy with detailed information on how your baby is growing inside of you. When she was pregnant with her son someone bought one for her, she gave me mine and then when she was pregnant with her daughter, I bought her one. When my Aunt and Cousin Tara were both pregnant I also bought them one. I guess it is a little bit of a tradition and something nice I like to do for friends and family when they are expecting. I loved mine with Trevor and have enjoyed looking back on it thru the years and especially when I was pregnant with Eme. You dont realize just how much you forget. I will be writing actually journal entries for my pregnancy with Trevor.

March 2002- Trevor Chapter 2

March 17, 2002: It was our 1 year wedding anniversary and what better present to wake up to than 4 positive pregnancy tests. Finally our hopes were coming true. We were having a baby! I think Steve was in shock after I took the first test and it was positive. So he had me take 2 more and then took one himself just to make sure they werent defective. We sat down to eat our frozen 1 year old wedding cake and not only were we celebrating our anniversary, but also celebrating the life that was growing inside me.
This is the actual test. It is in a scrapbook so the lines have faded.

Steve's mom wanted us to take a pic holding one of her dolls. The look on Steve's face is so funny! This was after we told her and my father in law that they would be grand parents in 9 months. They were both very excited. I had to tell my parents over the phone. They too couldnt wait. Everyone knew we were trying so I think they were just all waiting for the phone call.

Dancing Queen

Emelyn loves to dance! She dances in the car and is constantly wanting for me to turn the music on in the livingroom to dance to. She spins around and puts her arms in the air. Sometimes the whole family will get involved and dance in the livingroom. Trevor and I will do the tango, then Eme will cut in and we will tango all three of us. Its a lot of fun and something we didnt do till we had Eme.

The other day as I was watching my family dance in the livingroom it was as if I was taken back 26 years to when I was a little girl. Me and my Daddy would dance together in our livingroom all the time. He would let me stand on the top of his feet and he would dance and I would move with him. I remember these times like it was yesterday. Steve carries Eme while he dances with her so it isnt quiet the same, but it was as if I was watching the past repeat its self. To see the tenderness and love that Steve had for Eme in that moment must of been how my Daddy felt letting my tiny feet walk on his as we swayed to the music.

October 2001- Chapter 1 Trevor

October 2001: Steve and I were enjoying our first year being married. We were only 7 months into being married, but had already been trying for a couple of months to start a family. We knew it was something we didnt want to wait on. At my yearly check up that month I mentioned to my dr that we had been trying with no luck. So he did a sonogram to find that I had polycystic ovarian syndrome and my ovaries looked like grapes were hanging off of them. PCOS causes problems with ovulation which can cause fertility issues. I was then sent for some bloodwork and Steve was sent to have his swimmers checked. All was fine with Steve and I was the one who was causing the hold up. With my doctors advise we decided to try clomid which is a fertility pill. I would take the Clomid at the first of my cycle then 7 days later they would do a sonogram to make sure I was ready to ovulate. I would then receive an HCG injection which was a hormone to make the egg release. We would then go home and "TRY" to have a baby. The process felt very un-natural and was often finished at the end of the month with us feeling let down.

End of January 2002: January was the 3rd month on the fertility treatments and the doctor wanted for us to take a break in February. Take a break from the fertility, but to keep trying right around the time I should be ovulating. If this didnt work our next step was 3 more months of fertility then invitro.

February 2002: This month was our break. We just relaxed and had fun, didnt worry at all about "TRYING". Valentines was fun. We went out to dinner. Nothing really fancy. We kept it low key because we knew our 1 year wedding anniversary was the following month.

First week in March: My monthly friend didnt make its appearance like normal. So being that I worked at my gyn office, I had a nurse friend do a pregnancy test which was negative. She told me to wait a couple of days and check back if no monthly friend. 3 days later same thing happened. So we did a HCG qualitive test which tests the level of pregnancy hormone in your blood. The level is suppose to double every couple of days. It showed 0. I waited a week in agony with no monthly friend. I took another pregnancy urine test which was negative and same with the blood test. At this point I was just frustrated. The weekend was coming and we had family in town and would be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary on the 17th. So I vowed to just relax, my period wasnt coming cause I was stressed. We had a fun weekend. We went to Clearwater Beach and just enjoyed having family in town. That evening we went out to dinner at Olive Garden. I ordered a glass of wine and took a sip and immediately felt tipsy. I thought "this is odd". Then after dinner I had the worse heartburn even which was also odd and something I had never experienced. I had Steve stop in the way home at Walmart and we bought some preg tests.
At a beach side restaurant in Clearwater.

Olive Garden Anniversary Dinner

To Be Continued------->

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stories to Tell....

I plan to start blogging a little on how our babies were brought into our family.  Wait! That sounded funny! We all know how that happened, but I mean the story of them. I love to tell my labor stories and reminesce.  I may even go as far back to tell how we decided to have them. Not sure yet. I also have a journal from when I was pregnant with both kids. I may even go that far. I do wish that I had the blog back then to document every month, but its never too late. So watch for more stories to come........maybe one day the kids will like to read them.