Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pregnancy Journal

I have always been one to keep journals and document things that happen so one day my children can look back on them when I am gone and have a small piece of me. I think that it is so important for them to know how loved they were from the start. I hope that thru my journals and the scrapbooks that I have made for them they will never question the love that I have for them.

One of my best friends, April bought me a pregnancy journal. It was a book that went day by day thru the pregnancy with detailed information on how your baby is growing inside of you. When she was pregnant with her son someone bought one for her, she gave me mine and then when she was pregnant with her daughter, I bought her one. When my Aunt and Cousin Tara were both pregnant I also bought them one. I guess it is a little bit of a tradition and something nice I like to do for friends and family when they are expecting. I loved mine with Trevor and have enjoyed looking back on it thru the years and especially when I was pregnant with Eme. You dont realize just how much you forget. I will be writing actually journal entries for my pregnancy with Trevor.

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