There is something about laying a blanket down in the park and having a picnic that I have always loved. A calm spring day and a empty park is the best setting. We went to a local park that is a favorite of the kids. There are plenty of large oak trees for shade. We packed our bag with PB and J's, some chips, capri suns and for dessert strawberries and blueberries.
As we finished up lunch the kids noticed a few squirrels gathering around us and decided they wanted to share our leftover blue berries with them. One squirrel in particular was very interesting to watch. We would toss him a blueberry and he would pick it up with his tiny little paws. When he finished one we would throw another to him and he would search around in the grass and pick up the blueberry. The kids tried to get a closer look at him and possibly even feed him by hand, but he ran away and they chased him.
After our fun with the squirrels the kids played on the playground and I sat on our blanket taking in the scenery. I dont know what it is about sitting under a canopy of trees on a blanket with a gentle breeze in the air that calms me, but it does and definitely helps me clear my mind. I am thankful that I was able to share this experience with my little ones.
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