Friday, December 25, 2009

Not so Merry Christmas

This Christmas was jinxed from 10pm last night. You can say that it doesnt rank up there with the best Christmas's. That is hard for me to say too cause I LOVE Christmas and anytime with my family I usually enjoy.

It all started with Emelyn waking up at 10pm and not going back to sleep till 3am. She has had a cough and congestion. Steve went to the store to get her some meds and the pharmacist recommended that he give her a cough med. As you may know there are not any cold meds for children under 4 as the American Assoc of Pediatrics doesnt feel they are necessary. Well after she has been sick for a week and we dont have health insurance anymore, I didnt take her to the dr cause I was letting it run its course. The medicene was a non-drowsy one and she took it for most the day with no problems. I guess last night it made her wired.

She woke up crying and we got her up, gave her a sippie cup, changed her diaper, checked her temp and made sure that there wasnt anything wrong with her. This was after we laid her down 4 times and everytime she would scream. Something she doesnt ever do. We lay her down awake every night and she is a great sleeper. With it being Christmas Eve and Trevor's room being right across the hall I didnt want her to wake him with all her screaming so Steve and I sat up the pack and play and let her come to our room. We dont let our kids sleep in our bed. We put her in there, said goodnight and turned out the lights. Nope that didnt work either. This was midnight. We tried several different things. Turning on the closet light for it not to be so dark in the room and I laid beside the pack and play. None of that worked. In fact she stood and held onto the side of the pack and play and jumped up and down making noises like a monkey in a cage at the zoo. It would of been so funny if I wasnt exhausted. So Steve turned the Tv on to Little Einsteins and she stood with her head resting on the side of the pack and play sucking her binky and watching the show. She watched it 3 times and then we turned the tv off thinking she would go to sleep, but once the tv went off she sat in her pack in play babbling for about 30 minutes. We finally brought her into our bed and she just crawled all over me. Steve got up and changed her diaper in which she screamed the whole time. Still no fever. The only thing that I could think to do was to give her a warm bath and a baby massage with lavender bath and body bedtime lotion. I did her normal bedtime routine and she was out like a light. And finally I was able to go to sleep. Only to be awakened 4 hours later by Trevor wanting to open presents.

I was so tired that I didnt get pics of the kids in front of the tree with all their presents and had to take a little nap before we went to my inlaws. I was snappy and moody with Steve and he was just as tired as I was. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow one where I am rested and able to play with Trev and enjoy all the new toys he got.

Readers and Followers

I started off this blog thing as a way to tell the many stories that go along with our pictures and videos. I am not one to take pictures with a camera for no reason at all. There is all ways a story behind my shots. Even if it is a picture of little feet. I wasnt sure who would be reading it or if anyone would care. I also wanted some sort of an outlet to share the things that are happening in our lives as well as some of my mommyisms as I like to call them. You know the quirky things you think and do everyday while being a mommy. Cause most of my life consists of being just that, a mommy. And as much as I love being a mother, there are some things that arent always great, but the hugs, smiles and kisses make it all worth while. Wow! I am such a rambler!
Okay back to the point. I have had several emails from followers and readers telling me just how much they enjoy reading my blog and that means the world to me. To think that people actually like to know what I am thinking! My goodness was I surprised. So I hope that I continue to be interesting.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You Were Improperly Packaged!

The Grinch: [stops in his tracks] Saving you, is that what you think I was doing? Wrongo. I just noticed that you were improperly packaged, my dear.
[grabs wrapping paper and starts wrapping Cindy up]
The Grinch: Hold still.
[to Max]
The Grinch: Max, pick out a bow.
[to Cindy]

This is what Eme looked like after coming out of Steve and I's bedroom with Steve and Trevor. I heard them in there laughing a lot this morning. Emelyn comes out and she is wrapped up like a present. Trevor says in his best Grinch voice "I Just Noticed You Were Improperly Packaged. Max, Get Me A Bow"! Steve said if she is going to be part of this family she better get used to pranks.

Like I have said before and so sure I will say again. Our home is FULL of NEVER DULL MOMENTS!

So True.....

This is for those of us who get on the computer and cant seem to find our way off. It just drags you in and before you know it you've been on the dreaded thing for an hour. AHHHHH!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Carried Away

Sometimes I start typing on here and just get completely carried away. I do try to be uncandid and open, but there are just some things I dont want posted on the internet. Tonight Steve came to me after reading one of my posts and wanted to know what I meant in Eme's bday blog. I was like what do you mean. I re read the blog and couldnt believe what I read. I said that Eme brought me out of darkness when she was born, but I dont really know what I meant by that. I did experience some post partum depression after her birth, but it is like some little elf took over my hands and typed something else. Anyways.....I was in such a hurry as I usually am and didnt read the blog before I posted it. So I just wanted to clear that up so all you readers dont think that I completely lost it or was in a dark place. I also didnt want anyone to read and think that having a baby just makes your life super sweet. It does, but it is no reason to run out and have a baby to bring you out of some darkness. Get the point? Good! ;)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you believe???

Do you believe in Santa? Trevor has gotten to the age where he is asking lots of questions about Santa. The other day he came home from school with all kinds of questions. He told me that a boy at school told him that his parents told him that Santa wasnt real. Steve never wanted to tell Trevor about Santa because he felt that when Trevor did realize that he wasnt real, he would wonder why we lied to him all those Christmas'. I on the other hand wanted to follow with tradition and tell Trevor about Santa, leave out the cookies and milk, and leave presents from Santa. I mean parents have been telling there kids for years that Santa was real. I wasnt sure what to tell Trevor. So I said that if he believed in Santa, then he was real and if he didnt believe, then he wasnt. Boy was that a mistake. He followed me around the house asking if we were the ones that were Santa. Trevor is such a smart boy and he has always asked me a question about something and it is like he knows if I am not telling the truth. For instance he wanted to know how Emelyn got in my belly and how she was born. He wouldnt settle for that the dr was just going to take her out. So we told him the truth and he left it at that. So I should of known when the questions started, that he wouldnt let it go till he got the right answer. Well maybe not the right answer, but the one that made him feel better. So I told him that I had never seen Santa and my parents never told me he wasnt real. Then he asked if we put presents under the tree and said they were from Santa, how do reindeers fly, how does Santa get around the world in one night...... and the list goes on and on. I was backed right into a corner. So I told him that we would type the question into We read the history of Santa. His feelings were hurt, but I told him that it really doesnt change anything. We still will fill his stocking and there will be special presents under the tree. I told him that I wanted him to still believe in Santa. He said he would try. Let me tell you being a parent sometimes is really difficult.

I love Christmas, but.....

I would love Christmas even more if it was cold here and I was closer to my family. I am so thankful that I have family here in Florida that are as welcoming as Steve's family, but I miss my family back home more than ever at Christmas time. I have lived here in Florida for going on 11 years and it never gets any easier. Steve and I have gone back to my parents twice for Christmas. Once it snowed and that was a real treat!

Now that I have children, I want them to see how it was when I would wake up Christmas morning. I couldnt wait to wake up in the morning and see how FULL Santa left my stocking. My mom would overfill my stocking! It wouldnt matter what was under that tree if the stocking was full! I guess that is where I get my over filling Steve and Trevor's stockings. Most times the stocking stuffers are pouring out onto the floor. Crazy, but true. We would usually open presents and then mom would start cooking for Christmas Dinner.

When I was younger my Dad's mom was so traditional and she had all kinds of special things that she did on the holidays. Every Christmas Eve we would all go to her house. My Dad has a very large family and my grandparents house wasnt big at all, but we would all pile in there and open presents. Everyone brought sweets and appetizers. My Granny had an ornament for everyone in the family and the ornaments were labeled with our names. She would call each family one by one and would take our family Christmas picture in front of the tree.

Now that I have my own family I try to bring in my family traditions and we also do some of Steve's family traditions. Even though money is real tight this year, we will still have a special Christmas.