Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You Were Improperly Packaged!

The Grinch: [stops in his tracks] Saving you, is that what you think I was doing? Wrongo. I just noticed that you were improperly packaged, my dear.
[grabs wrapping paper and starts wrapping Cindy up]
The Grinch: Hold still.
[to Max]
The Grinch: Max, pick out a bow.
[to Cindy]

This is what Eme looked like after coming out of Steve and I's bedroom with Steve and Trevor. I heard them in there laughing a lot this morning. Emelyn comes out and she is wrapped up like a present. Trevor says in his best Grinch voice "I Just Noticed You Were Improperly Packaged. Max, Get Me A Bow"! Steve said if she is going to be part of this family she better get used to pranks.

Like I have said before and so sure I will say again. Our home is FULL of NEVER DULL MOMENTS!

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