Saturday, May 8, 2010

18 months...REALLY?

Yeah its true. Emelyn is 18 months old and will soon be turning 19 months on the 21st of May. I had a friend ask me at what point do we stop counting the months and just say the year. I have thought about that and my answer is.......when I cant add anymore! HA! Probably once she hits 2! I mean do you really hear anyone say oh my chil is 37 months old? No! Not really.

18 months and her personality is just blossoming. They say spring showers bring May flowers, but in this family its a little girl that is blossoming and flowers would be nice since she ♥ them.  Some new accomplishments are:

*Saying give me(out of frustration when T has what she wants), cheese, whats this, whats that and some very interesting jibberish.

*Using a fork and quiet well I must say


*Interest in skateboards

* Loves her Teddy that was given to her by Noah's Ark Animal Workshop- They do at home Build a Bear type work shops. We call him Teddy

* 2 new teeth on top and 2 more that will poke thru soon

* A love for Barney, Sesame Street and Smurfs

* It doesnt look like she will be giving up the binkie or get potty trained anytime soon. But whatever....whenever she is ready, then I will be ready too.

*Copying Michael Jackson sounds from the TV

* Love Love Loves the beach, pool, bath....any water

Never does a day pass that she doesnt make it interesting. I feel that it is all just passing me right by. I am doing my best to just soak it all in. I will never get these days back again. I may be able to see them on video, but in person is so much better.

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