Monday, May 24, 2010


Cavewoman: A cavewoman is a female who lives in a cave or exhibits uncivilized behavior.

Poor little Emelyn. She is really trying to talk and has some words we can understand. She also has her own little language which I call mumbo jumbo with some words you can understand mixed in here and there. Steve and I both have on numerous occasions called her a cave woman. No she doesnt live in a cave and doesn't exhibit uncivilized behavior......well.....not too bad. I have seen her put her finger in her nose, but that could be cause she has seen Trevor do it or maybe she just found that he finger fits in there. The reason we have called her a cave woman is her lack of using her words. In the last 2 weeks though she has said more words...... thank you is hank eww, cracker is racker, kisses is isses, and then there are the other words she was already saying like outside, dad, daddy, mom, momma, bubba, dog and I am sure there are others. It is as if she is just listening, taking it all in.  You can tell her to pick her toys up and she does it or go get her shoes and she will. She will choose between juice and milk by pointing to them.  She grabbed Steve's hand today and took him to the back door and said something something something outside. Another words she wanted him to take her outside. But like a cave woman there is intermittent grunting for certain things. If you ask her if she wants something she doesn't say yes, she says ugh and you repeat do you want this, yes and you get a ugh. It is hard not to compare her to Trevor who talked in sentences at this age. I know it is in there waiting to come out and when she does start talking, I am positive she wont stop. Oh and in regards to the uncivilized behavior...does pulling her diaper off at nap time and sleeping naked count as uncivilized? Oh well....whatever if it does. She can be a nudest just as long as she talks soon! ;)

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